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No More GOOP!!! Invisalign is a Great Option for You.

How many of us have recently taken a selfie and looked at it dissatisfied? We try to change the angle of the phone, stretch out our neck, change the angle, add a filter, ask someone else to take it... I could go on and on, because I have tried it. I remember messing around with my son Anthony using the Snapchat filters and realizing my teeth are the first thing I noticed (other than the funny glasses and ears it put on our face). Obviously, that mainly is because I am a dentist, but I can't be the only one who notices crowded teeth. I noticed when I really smile big, like when Anthony or Aubrey make me laugh, I show a lot of my teeth. Two things I saw in those photos: one, I had a lot of crowding on my lower teeth and those teeth seemed to have more coffee stain than the top teeth. This is a scenario that I myself went through and I see patients every single day struggling with the same situation. Well, I can help! I did it on myself and love the results. The best news is that it didn't take as long as I thought it would!

"How can you help me, Doc?"

Most of us have heard of Invisalign or maybe had braces when we were younger. I often hear these comments: "I am too old for braces," and

"Will Invisalign work for me, or do I have to get the ugly metal braces?"

The best news is no one is too old for proper alignment of their teeth and Invisalign can help straighten almost every case. So what's next?

Impression time! If you were one of the lucky ones that had orthodontics years ago, you no-doubt remember the impression; you stretched as wide as you could, and we "jammed" a tray in your mouth of slimy goop. I'm sure you remember just barely fighting off your gag reflex for what seemed to be an eternity. Well, those days are over! When you come into our office to have your orthodontic consultation, we'll take a digital impression of your teeth using a small camera that we wave over your teeth. It gives us feedback instantly, and there is no goop! The whole process takes less than 4 minutes. But wait, it gets better; I can then show you where your teeth will move to with Invisalign. You can see with your own eyes what your teeth will look like when we are all done with treatment! You gotta love technology.

This type of treatment is very enjoyable to me and I really love making people enjoy their perfect "selfie" smile. Come on in and ask about our no goop impression and see for yourself what Invisalign could do for you. The video above will show you what the impression is like.

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