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Ribbon Cutting!

What an event! We estimated that there was somewhere around 150 people in and out throughout the evening and I was told on numerous occasions how great a turn-out it was. As I have never conducted the wonderful task of cutting the ribbon to open the doors to the community before I didn't know what to expect. The party was set to start at 5PM on Thursday but the real work started several weeks ago when the Gretna Chamber of Commerce reached out to me to get the wheels rolling on this new adventure. With lots and lots of help from family, friends, staff and everyone in between we were set up perfect and the magical ribbon was cut with the oversized scissors. What an incredible experience to look out into my waiting room and the crowd that spilled into the hallways and behind the front desk and see so many people coming just to support our family. It was and still is unbelievable the amount of love in this group we have for one another. On that note I want to thank a few people that made my open house night a night to remember.

First, my wife, you have helped me so much throughout everything and mainly simply talked me through the stresses of owning a business. You're one of a kind and this night would not have happened if it weren't for you. You are my everything and I love you.

Megan, my sister-in-law, is 36 weeks pregnant and I think she wanted me to put her into labor because she worked her tail off. She got all the food and drinks organized along with a few decorations. She didn't have the baby yet but she worked hard enough to take the next couple months off. Thank you for your help Aunt Megan.

My rock-star staff. "Wow" is all I can say. You have done an incredible job juggling the daunting task of starting new and planning for this event. You girls were absolutely amazing at showing people around and making sure everything went smoothly. Then you stayed late to clean-up even though the party lasted until 2 hours after it was supposed to. I think you worked about 12 hours! You truly rock!

All the family and friends that traveled to Gretna to help me settle into my new career. This has been a dream come true and I have been able to do it solely on the support of all of you. 150 people at a ribbon cutting! Are you kidding me? What a true testament of how lucky I am to have you all in my corner.

If you are still reading this then I want to thank you the most. You are the reason I have been successful and you are why we had such a great turnout, even if you couldn't make it. I can't wait to get the pictures back and the videos to share because it was a lot of fun to cut the ribbon with my family surrounding me. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

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